If you ride a motorcycle, one of the most important things you can do is to spot hazards before you reach them. This way, you do not just have to count on your raw reaction time. You will be poised and ready in advance. If everything goes smoothly, that's fine. If a...
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Motorcycle Accidents
How to help an injured motorcyclist
If you're out on the road somewhere in sunny California and you witness a car strike a motorcyclist right in front of your eyes, do you know how to respond?It's human nature to want to help someone who has been injured. However, you need to be careful that you don't...
Is a three-wheeled motorcycle safer?
In motorcycle circles, the rise of the three-wheeled bike has been a bit contentious. Some riders don't like to think of things like the Polaris Slingshot or the Can-Am Spyder as motorcycles at all. For others, there is no other vehicle they would rather ride.But are...
How dangerous are grass clippings to motorcyclists?
If you're not a motorcycle enthusiast, you may be unaware of the danger that arises when freshly-cut grass clippings are blown into the highway. After all, it's just plant material. How dangerous can it really be?As it turns out, it can be lethal. While this is far...
What type of motorcycle should you learn on?
You know that the key to avoiding motorcycle accidents is to become as proficient of a rider as possible. You can't control what other drivers do, so there is always some risk, but you can make sure that you don't commit dangerous errors. You're looking to get into...
Woman killed in California motorcycle accident
One of the truisms in life is that one event leads to another. Unfortunately, that holds true of motor vehicle accidents as well, including motorcycle accidents. A recent example involved a California woman, 51, who died when the motorcycle on which she was a...
Understanding how lights increase your bike’s visibility
It's no secret that one way to increase the visibility of your motorcycle, especially during low-light hours or during the night, is to make extensive use of your lighting options. However, it is important to dig into that a bit to see how and why certain lights work...
Your eye may not see a motorcycle
A driver pulls up to a stop sign and looks both ways. He does not see any traffic on the cross street, so he pulls out into the road.And right into the path of a motorcycle. The bike slams into the side of the car. The rider sails over the hood and lands on the...
Tips for drivers as they share the streets with motorcycles
Drivers and motorcyclists do not always see eye-to-eye, but they do need to share the roads in California. It's important for drivers to understand the differences when driving around bikes instead of other cars and trucks.After all, motorcyclists face far more danger...
Do not multitask on a motorcycle
It is easy for some new motorcycle riders to assume that riding is not all that different from driving a car. Sure, you have to learn some special skills and get the proper license, but you still follow the basic rules of the road. If you learned how to ride a bike...
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