The construction industry has some of California’s most difficult and most dangerous jobs. This is why the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) in Sacramento regulates many of the more hazardous conditions and professions in this and many other industries around the state.
One of the riskiest and most regulated types of construction work is roofing, for many of the same reasons that trucking is also a highly regulated trade. The forces involved and the impacts possible for roofers are too great to ignore. This is certainly the case in a recent injury case involving a fall from a great height.
The victim was working on a roofing project for a Santa Clarita hospital when he apparently fell to the ground from one story up. The extent of his injuries was not immediately clear as he was treated by the same hospital where he was injured.
“It was a tragic accident and our hearts go out to the individual’s family and loved ones,” said a hospital spokesman. “We will be working with all relevant authorities as they conduct an investigation.”
Roofers and related professionals are often required to wear fall-prevention gear and offered training in their tasks. Employers may be liable for these requirements or the results of not offering them.
If a worker is injured on the job, injury victims and their families have the right to seek legal representation and sue in civil court for financial damages. Cases like these can help secure families’ futures through hard times and help prevent workplace accidents in the future for other workers.