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Who is at fault in a three-car collision with multiple injuries?

It’s not uncommon for motorists to encounter motor vehicle collisions on California freeways. High speeds and distracted driving create a dangerous environment where different types of collisions are likely. 

When a three-car collision occurs, determining fault can pose a challenge. This is especially the case in collisions involving multiple injuries. Understanding how liability is assigned is essential to help ensure justice and secure compensation for victims.

How fault is determined in multi-car collisions

In the Golden State, liability in car accidents is governed by the principle of comparative negligence. Therefore, fault can be distributed among multiple parties. Each party will be responsible according to their magnitude of contribution to the accident. For a three-car collision in Hayward, investigators will look at the order in which the collisions occurred. 

Was it a chain reaction caused by the first car rear-ending another, pushing it to hit another vehicle? Or did a driver suddenly change lanes without signaling, leading to a pile-up? A driver suddenly veering into another lane and causing a multi-car crash is usually at fault. Still, other drivers’ actions, such as tailgating or failing to maintain a safe distance, could complicate liability.

Multi-car accidents at intersections often involve disagreements over which driver had the right of way. Suppose one motorist ran a red light; they would likely bear the lion’s share of the blame.

Driver behaviors among parties involved in the collisions are also crucial. Investigators look at key factors like: 

  • High speeds 
  • Distracted driving  
  • Driving under the influence 

Furthermore, pieces of evidence collected at the scene of the accidents can heavily influence fault assignments. Investigators will assess:

  • Police reports 
  • Witness testimonies 
  • Traffic camera footage 

Evidence plays a vital role in reconstructing the accident. Many California freeways are equipped with surveillance, which can provide crucial insights.

Parties involved in three-car collisions should prioritize their safety by calling 911 for medical assistance. While they’re waiting for emergency services, parties should check for injured children and move to a safe location.  

For individuals who have been victims of a fatal car accident, it is crucial to consult a California legal team that is experienced in severe personal injury cases. The right legal team can help establish liability, negotiate with insurance companies and secure fair compensation.
