What Landlords Can Do To Recover Rent
In California, when tenants do not pay their rent, landlords lose valuable income that they were counting on receiving. The money could have been used for upkeep of the property and to pay other expenses. The property also could have been rented out to a tenant who would have been reliable in paying rent. That money is lost and can never be replaced unless it is recovered from the tenant.
At the Law Offices of Patricia Turnage, we assist landlords in pursuing tenants who are in breach of contract. We have more than 15 years of experience working with clients in the Bay Area on landlord-tenant issues. This means we know the real estate and local rent control ordinances in your city. We will help you seek judgments against tenants who owe rent in arrears and advise you on enforcement options for your case. Call us to discuss your recovery of rent case with a lawyer at 510-470-5044.
Watch For Signs A Tenant Has Abandoned A Property
If a tenant abandons your rental property, you must take the proper steps to make sure the abandonment is a legal reason for recovering possession of your property. The longer your tenant is gone, the further behind you will be in your pursuit of recovery of lost rent or damage they may have caused. If they left personal property you cannot just dispose of the items, you must follow the law to avoid liability for taking control of the tenant’s property. Patricia Turnage can help you with that process.
Here are some common indicators that may point to a tenant who has abandoned a property he or she has been renting:
- Empty closets
- Tenant not seen by neighbors for a period of time or neighbors witnessed tenant moving
- Late rent payment
- Utilities turned off
- Negative comments or moving plans stated by tenant on social media pages
- Furniture gone
- No sheets on the bed
If a tenants owes rent money or damages rental property, the landlord can pursue them for breach of material terms of the contract.
Experienced Counsel Assisting You With Rental Disputes
We work with landlords in the recovery of rent process. We’ve helped numerous clients resolve rental and contract dispute problems.
To Speak With An Attorney
Call our offices in Hayward, California, at 510-470-5044 to discuss your case, or email us now.