A report recently published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows how 36,000 Americans died on U.S. roadways in 2018. This is the lowest the traffic fatality rate has been in this country since 2014. While the number of motorists that...
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Auto-Pedestrian Accidents
Turns through a crosswalk put pedestrians in danger
As a pedestrian, the first thing you should do to stay safe is to always obey the signals at a crosswalk. Do not try to dart across the road just because it looks clear. Wait for the walk signal, when you know you have the right of way and cars have been stopped at...
Plan for a safer Halloween experience for your kids
It's almost that time of year again when the ghosts and ghouls walk the streets of Hayward begging for treats. This treasured rite of autumn is something kids look forward to all year.But Halloween can be a dangerous time for children. If you are a parent of children...
Do not run with traffic; run against it
You decide to take up running as a hobby, and your first day on the treadmill does not go well. It quickly becomes clear that you need to run on the roads. You need to get outside. There's no way you'll stick with it otherwise.As you walk out to the street, though,...
What can motorists do to avoid head-on crashes?
Head-on collisions occur when two cars traveling in opposite directions from one another crash into each other. Fortunately, they're one of the least common types of motor vehicle accidents that occur in California and the rest of the country. However, they often...
The main reasons drivers drift out of their lanes
When a driver drifts out of their lane, it puts everyone in serious danger. On a multi-lane road like an interstate, it can force other drivers off of the road. On a two-lane highway with oncoming traffic, it can cause a devastating head-on collision.Even so, odds are...
Can 3 dimensional crosswalks protect pedestrians from being hit?
Some fourth-graders in Massachusetts have come up with an innovative way to try and curb pedestrian accidents near their school. They want other schools in their district and other parts of the country to adopt and implement their idea as well.A 10-year-old Medford...
Texting changes how you walk
When you are walking downtown and you get a text message, do you check it without stopping? Do you respond to that message on the go?A lot of people do. We live in a fast-paced society. We don't like to stop. People expect responses from us right away. We feel an...
100 Deadliest Days of Summer affect teenagers
We are entering the time known as the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer - the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day - and that's especially true for teen drivers in California.Think about some of these facts, provided by the advocacy group We Save Lives : Car crashes...
Don’t text while crossing the street
You hear a lot about distracted driving and the dangers of texting behind the wheel, but what about texting while walking? Is it dangerous for pedestrians to use their phones while walking near the road?It certainly can increase the odds of an accident and an injury....
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