Motorcycles are one of the best ways to get around California. Anyone who has lane-split on a bike down a crowded freeway can attest to the freedom and convenience of two wheels over four. But biking can also pose dangers to riders that can prove life-changing or even...
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Motorcycle Accidents
Second recent Lompoc crash claims a motorcyclist’s life
Motorcycles are a big part of life on the roads of California. Anyone in a freeway traffic jam has envied the freedom of bikes, and thousands prefer the scenery of the Golden State from behind handlebars. Although they can be more fun, motorcycles often present...
Motorcycle safety becomes more important in season
Spring brings motorcycle season to the nation at large and specifically to California. The Golden State is home to the largest population of motorcycle enthusiasts in the country, and many more come to the deserts and shores of the region for the extra thrill.There...
Motorcyclist dies after 2 collisions on I-5
Many drivers in California choose to own a motorcycle because smaller vehicles are more maneuverable and can move faster through freeway traffic, passing between cars and using HOV lanes. There is also the attraction of feeling free; i.e., the thrill of the ride...
Motorcyclist among 5 dead in freeway accident
With favorable weather and thousands of miles of quality roads, California has one of the highest populations of motorcyclists in the United States. Bikers are rarely alone on the road, and they have to be mindful of the cars, trucks and buses nearby to stay safe....
Hayward man killed in motorcycle accident
From the first models to the heaviest hog on the market today, motorcycles have been an essential part of transportation and development in California. Bikes are everywhere, and in some places on a Sunday afternoon, they can own the road in groups, which can increase...
Anaheim crash kills motorcyclist
Driving a motorcycle -- as opposed to a car or truck -- in California can be a very attractive option. Any resident of the Golden State who has commuted to work in San Francisco or Los Angeles can say that it looks a lot easier to fly through congested traffic on two...
Father of 6 killed in California motorcycle accident
Motorcycles are one of the fastest and most fun ways of putting miles behind you. Anyone who has had to sit out a California traffic jam can say that it is often tempting to abandon cars and trucks for a slimmer, more fuel-efficient ride that can make its way down the...
Rear-ending and left turns are big risks for motorcyclists
California is the most populous state in the United States, and it is also home to the most motorcycle drivers in the country. Native Californians are drawn to the bike by the fuel efficiency and ease of maneuverability in famous troublesome traffic jams, and visiting...
Motorcyclist killed in freeway bus collision
California is a popular state for bikers. The state has the most roads listed in the country's top 100 choices for motorcycles, and there is no state with more registered motorcycles. Any trip onto a crowded freeway in the Bay Area or elsewhere will convince someone...
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